Die Braut Der Schatten  
Charlotte The Harlot Magnetic Girl
Confessions Femina Docet Carmilla
Mircalla Millarca The Beginning
The Vision The Play Kill Em All (Variations)
The Hanging Garden The Priestess Of The sun A Black Cat In Woman Skin
Mind Body Light Sun In The Eyes Of The Sun En Velour Rouge
Transitions Delirium (Contaminatio) Delirium (Rosa Mariae)
Delirium (Purificatio) Three Sets Never Mind The Bollocks
To Wish Impossible Things The Holy Hour Some Silly Symphonies
Everybody Knows Waiting For The Night Blue Velvet Underground
The Never-Ending Why Ballad Of A Toothless Sunflower And Other Untitled Songs A Sulfur & Cinnabar Dream
Traumnovelle A Perfect Lie Captain Storm
A Day In Green The Unknown Revelator
What If ... ? No Thoughts No Words Loose Yourself To Sun
Ex Tempore Urban Red Song A Likely Story And Probably True
Elsewhere Freestate (Part II) Freestate (Part I)
Six Pieces Of Nikita Lou Elsewhere (Negativo Imperfetto) Storie di S - Variations I
Deep Green True Faith C'Est Ma Folie
The Sunburst Goddess Flos Veris Graffiti Mood
Was It A Dream? Killerbreath Nom De Code: La Chatte Rouge
A Beautiful Lie Fascination Bridge (antique paper) Fascination Bridge
Forbidden Dream While The Light Lasts The Phoenix Revealed
Foemina Variations One The Girl Who Was... Portfolio 1
Portfolio 2 Portfolio 3 Portfolio 4